2005年10月高等教育自学考试全国统一命题考试 英语(二)试卷 (课程代码00015)

2021-01-18 20:53:02 乐昇学教育









IVocabulary and Structure (10 points1 point for each item)&n bsp;从下列各句四个选项中选出一个zhui佳答案,并在答题卡上将相应的字母涂黑。

&n bsp;

1Tired&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;he wasRoger never thought of giving it up

Aas &n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;Bwhen &n bsp;

&n bsp;&n bsp;Chow &n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;Dthat

2______books you borrow from the library should be returned in two weekstime.

AWhich &n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;BWhichever

CWhat &n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;DWhatever

3The sports meet has been_____till next week because of me bad weather

Aput off &n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;B. &n bsp;put aside

C. &n bsp;put up &n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;Dput down

4We didnt know that he was in townotherwisewe_____him to the wedding

&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;Awould invite &n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;Bwould have been invited

&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;Cwould have invited &n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;Dwould be invited

5Washing the food down with water as a substitute_____chewing is not a good habit

Aof &n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;Bfor &n bsp;&n bsp;

&n bsp;Cto &n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;Dfrom

6The police is officering a(n)_____of$3,000 to anyone who will provide information about the lost boy

Apraise &n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;Bprize &n bsp;

Creward &n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;Daward

&n bsp;7Only when he had done it______that he had made a mistake

Ahad he come to understand &n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;Bhe came to understand

Che had come to understand&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;Ddid he come to understand

8Younger children are curious_______how things workand many of them want to&n bsp;&n bsp;take apart everything within their reach.

A.Of &n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;B.about

Cat&n bsp; &n bsp; &n bsp;Dwith

&n bsp;9I asked him to_____me a few minutes so that we could go over all the problems

Aspend &n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;Bsave &n bsp;

Cspare &n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;Dshare

10.We promise that we11 meet again after we______our college education in three yearstime

&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;Afinish &n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;Bwill finish

&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;Cfinished &n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;Dwill have finished

IICloze Test(10 points1 point for each item)下列短文中有十个空白,每个空白有四个选项。根据上下文要求选出zhui佳答案:并在答题卡上将相应的字母涂黑。

&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;One type of solar collector is not Very expensiveIt is usually _11_on the sunny side of the roof of a buildingThe sun is most __12__ On this sideand the unit will __13__&n bsp;more from the sunThe unit has a __14__or level surfaceThe surface is black because black collects more heat from the sun_15__,there are pipes with waterThe t op is a piece of glass. The sun__16_through the glass and air insideIt heats the __17__that is also inside A pump, a machine to 18 the waterstarts when water is warm enoughThe hot water goes into a storage&n bsp;tankThis tank&n bsp;&n bsp;19 &n bsp;or keeps the hot waterThen there is hot water to use for washing clothes or &n bsp;20 &n bsp;baths and showers

11. &n bsp;Apushed &n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;Bpulled &n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;Cpressed &n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;Dput

12. &n bsp;Adirect &n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;Bopposite &n bsp;&n bsp;Cnegative &n bsp;&n bsp;Dsteep

13. &n bsp;Aassemble &n bsp;Bswallow &n bsp;&n bsp;Creflect &n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;Dcollect

14. &n bsp;Abroad &n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;Bnarrow &n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;Cflat &n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;Dshort

15. &n bsp;AOutside &n bsp;&n bsp;BInside &n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;CUpside &n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;D. &n bsp;Downside

16. &n bsp;Ashines &n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;Bburns &n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;C. &n bsp;heats &n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;D. &n bsp;brightens

17. &n bsp;Aair &n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;Bwater &n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;C1iquid &n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;D1ight

18. &n bsp;Amove &n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;Bremove &n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;C. &n bsp;Ob tain &n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;D. &n bsp;maintain

19. &n bsp;Astores &n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;Bweighs &n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;C. &n bsp;yields &n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;D. &n bsp;traps

20. &n bsp;Atake &n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;Btook &n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;Ctaking &n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;Dtakes

IIIReading comprehension (30 poings for each item)从下列每篇短文的问题后所给的四个选择项中选出一个zhui佳答案,并在答题卡上将相应的字母涂黑。


IV &n bsp;Word SpeIling(10 poiIlts1 poillt for two items)将下列汉语单词译成英语。每个单词的词类、首(shou)字母及字母数目均已给出。请将完整的单词写在答题卡上.

36. &n bsp;水手,海员ns&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;37. &n bsp;技术,手艺nt&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;

38.样品,样本n. &n bsp;s&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;39. &n bsp;暂时的,临时的 at&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;

40.驱策,催促V. &n bsp;u&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;4 1. &n bsp;有效的,有理的a. &n bsp;v&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;

42.冒险,敢于V. &n bsp;v&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;43. &n bsp;想象,设想 &n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;v. &n bsp;v_________

44. 漫游,离题v. &n bsp;&n bsp;w_______ &n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;45. &n bsp;动机,动力 &n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;n. &n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;m_________

46.垃圾,废物 n. &n bsp;r________ &n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;47.乐意地,很快地砌. ad. &n bsp;r_________

48..谚语,格言以. &n bsp;p_______ &n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;49. &n bsp;接近,近似dao &n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;n . &n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;p________

50. 打翻,推翻v. &n bsp;o________ &n bsp;&n bsp;5 1. &n bsp;然而,不过反 &n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;ad. &n bsp;n________

52.地带,地区九 nz_________ &n bsp;53. &n bsp;文学,文学作品 n . &n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;l________

54. 千米,公里限 &n bsp;n. &n bsp;&n bsp;k________ &n bsp;5 5. &n bsp;恐吓,恫吓v. &n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;I________

V. Word Form &n bsp;(10 points ,1 point for each item)将括号中的各词变为适当的形式填入空白。答案写在答题卡上。

56Nowadays,youngsters like listening to CD music more than&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;(go) to&n bsp;&n bsp;concerts

57It seems the roof&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;(leak)for some time. Wed better call in the repairman.

58It is reported that daydreaming improves a persons ability&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;(solve) everyday&n bsp;&n bsp;problems.

59Ever since the paintings of contemporary artists went on exhibitiln at the gallery,there&n bsp; &n bsp; &n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;(be) many visitors every day.

60Every student in this class likes the film&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;(base) on &n bsp;the novel by D.H.Lawrence.

61Some enjoy&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;(meet)new people,while others want to be left alone.

62Looking through the window, I found him&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;(seat) in a sofa.

63Deeply&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;(touch) by her speech, many offered finacncial support to the school.

64If I&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;(follow) my teachers suggestions,I would have passed the examination.

65.Shortly afterwards,the government announced its&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;(decide) on the future of the railways.

&n bsp;

VI. Translation from Chinese into English(15 points,3 points for each item)


66. 尽管工作有压力,人们还是非常关注生活质量。

67. 为了健康,你不应该承担太多的工作。

68. 在某种意义上他是对的,但他不了解全部事实。

69. 打开收音机,你就会听到美妙的民乐。

70.&n bsp;&n bsp;正如我刚才所说的那样,女主人对我们是友好的。

&n bsp;

VIITanslation from English into Chinese(15 points)下列短文译成汉语并将答案写在答题卡上。

It is generally known mat our dajly life is divided into two phases:work and&n bsp;&n bsp;recreation.Howover,few people know the distinction between actiVe play and passive&n bsp;&n bsp;entertainment.We have to participate i n and ptactice it if we would enj oy an actiVe play.&n bsp;We to paint rather than 100k at paintings,to play instruments rather than go to&n bsp;&n bsp;Concerts,to dance and sing and act ourselves,engaging all our seilsos in fun and rules of&n bsp;&n bsp;The active play.Then someming may begin to happen to us:to Work upon our bodies&n bsp;&n bsp;And our souls.&n bsp;




