2006年10月高等教育自学考试全国统一命题考试 英语(二)试卷及答案 (课程代码:00015)

2021-01-18 20:54:00 乐昇学教育





&n bsp;第1部分&n bsp;&n bsp;选择题

I. Vocabulary and Structure
1. The fixed star was&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp; a planet.
&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp;A. made of&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp;B. made from&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp;C. made up for&n bsp;&n bsp;D. mistaken for
2. Some students&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp; from asking questions in class.
&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp;A. shy away&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp;B. blow away&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp;C. do away&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp;D. carry away
3. Mrs. Weinstein bravely and persistently used every skill and power she had to&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp; her attacker to simply take her car and not her life.
&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp;A. trust&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp;B. credit&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp;C. convince&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp;D. believe
4. Let's&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp; personal feelings in making judgment.
&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp;A. set off&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp;B. set aside&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp;C. set back&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp;D. set up
5. A good worker in a key spot could,&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp; he kept up production, take all the coffee breaks he wanted, and the bosses would very likely look the other way.
&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp;A. as long as&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp;B. as though&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp;C. as soon as&n bsp; &n bsp;D. as if
6.&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp; the bosses cannot do without profit, workers have an edge.
&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp;A. Though&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp;B. For&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp;C. Since&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp;D. So
7. Decision makers must have some way of determining&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp; of several alternatives is best.
&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp;A. that&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp;B. it&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp;C. one&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp;D. which
8. In August 1977, a satellite&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp; to gather data about the 10 million black holes which are thought to be in the Milky Way.
&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp;A. launched&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp;B. was launched&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp;C. has been launched&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;D. is launched
9. In studio recordings, new techniques made possible effects that not even an electronic band could produce&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp; .
&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp;A. live&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp;B. alive&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp;C. lively&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp;D. living
10. It is essential that everything&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp; in advance.
&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp;A. should decide&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp;B. be decided&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp;C. decided&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp;D. will be decided.

II. Cloze Test
The money and the time we spend on pets is simply not our own to spend as we like in a time of widespread want and starvation. A&n bsp; &n bsp;11&n bsp; &n bsp; organization advertises that for $33 a month they can give hospital care to a child suffering from kwashiorkor-the severe deficiency disease&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp;12&n bsp;&n bsp;is simply a starving for protein. Doing&n bsp; &n bsp;13&n bsp; &n bsp; such a pet, and then sending the money saved to a relief organization would mean&n bsp; &n bsp;14&n bsp; &n bsp; a life-over the years, several human lives.
Children not&n bsp; &n bsp; 15&n bsp; &n bsp;from such a grave disease could be fed with half that amount-not on a diet like ours, but on plain, basic, life-sustaining food. It is not unreasonable to believe&n bsp; &n bsp;16&n bsp; &n bsp; the amount of money we spend on the average pet dog could keep a child&n bsp; &n bsp; 17&n bsp; &n bsp;in a region of great poverty.&n bsp; &n bsp; 18&n bsp; &n bsp;what we would spend on a cat might not feed a child, but it&n bsp; &n bsp;19&n bsp; &n bsp; probably pay for his medical care or basic education. The point needs no&n bsp; &n bsp;20&n bsp; &n bsp;. That is all that need be said.
11. A. relied&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp;B. fund&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp;C. domestic&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp;D. medical
12. A. why&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp;B. when&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp;C. where&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp;D. which
13. A. with&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp;B. for&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp;C. against&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp;D. without
14. A. to save&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp;B. saving&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp;C. save&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp;D. saved
15. A. recovering&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp;B. having&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp;C. suffering&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp;D. infecting
16. A. which&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp;B. what&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp;C. that&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp;D. where
17. A. alive&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp;B. life&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp;C. live&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp;D. survive
18. A. Giving&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp;B. To give&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp;C. Given&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp;D. Give
19. A. would&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp;B. should&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp;C. must&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp;D. need
20. A. doing&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp;B. operating&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp;C. laboring&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp;D. functioning
III. Reading Comprehension(字数所限,3套阅读理解题省略,具体详询小乐老师,电话/微信:a18030089296)

第2部分&n bsp;非选择题

IV. Word Spelling
36. 结果,成果&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp;n.&n bsp; &n bsp;

37. 分(fen)享,股份&n bsp; &n bsp; n.
38. 愿意的,乐意的&n bsp;&n bsp;adj.&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp;

39. 警告,告诫&n bsp; &n bsp; v.
40. 表达,表情&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp;n.&n bsp; &n bsp;

41. 多样性&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;n.
42. 预算&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp;n&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp;

43. 衡量,测量&n bsp; &n bsp; n.
44. 保证,担保&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp;v.&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp;

45.家庭的,国内的&n bsp;adj.
46. 发源,发起&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp;v.&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp;

47. 应用,用具&n bsp; &n bsp; n.
48. 激发,作为….的动机&n bsp;&n bsp;v.&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp;

49. 可行的,可能的&n bsp;adj.&n bsp;&n bsp;
50. 欣赏,感激&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp;n.&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp;

51. 战略,策略&n bsp; &n bsp; n.
52. 精制,使精美&n bsp; &n bsp;v.&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp;

53. 面对,对抗&n bsp; &n bsp; v.
54. 一致,相符&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp;v.&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp;

55. zhui后的,zhui终的&n bsp;adj.
V. Word Form
56. Do not let this&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp; (say) of you. It shows an unattractive indifference to your employer and to your job.
57. The theory of black holes in space&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp; (accept) by many serious scientists and astronomers.
58. If you had been in better health, we&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp; (allow) you to join them in the work.
59. Although they agree that life is important and should be respected, they feel that the quality of life should not&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp; (ignore).
60. I would rather you&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp; (come) tomorrow.
61. One hundred miles&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp; (be) too far to travel on foot.
62. Robots,&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp; (become) increasingly prevalent in factories and industrial plants throughout the developed world, are programmed and engineered to perform industrial tasks without human intervention.
63. Every boy and girl&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp; (treat) in the same way.
64. He took his umbrella with him lest it&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp; (rain).
65. Many other new techniques are now available that enable more research&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp; (do) in the test tube to see if chemicals produce harmful biological effects.

VI. Translation from Chinese into English
66. 他孤注一掷用自己的积蓄开了一家小商店。
67. 时差反应是每个国际旅行者可能遇到的问题。
68. 有人提出管理过程就是决策过程。
69. 每个人都是平等的,不管他是总统还是马路清洁工。
70. 不用说,我们现在已不是生活在传统时期。

VII. Translation from English into Chinese
71. Between labor and play stands work. A man is a worker if he is personally interested in the job which society pays him to do; what from the point of view of society is necessary labor is from his own point of view voluntary play. Whether a job is to be classified as labor or work depends, not on the job itself, but on the tastes of the individual who undertakes it. The difference does not, for example, coincide with the difference between a manual and a mental job; a gardener or a cobbler may be a worker, a bank clerk a laborer. Which a man is can be seen from his attitude toward leisure. To a worker, leisure means simply the hour he needs to relax and rest in order to work efficiently. He is therefore more likely to take too little leisure than too much; workers die of coronaries and forget their wives' birthdays. To the laborer, on the other hand, leisure means freedom from compulsion, so that it is natural for him to imagine that the fewer hours he has to spend laboring, and the more hours he is free to play, the better.




