
2021-02-03 13:02:57 乐昇学教育


以下是乐昇学教育为考生们整理的“&n bsp;1981年考研英语一真题及参考答案”,同学们可以通过对“1981年考研英语一真题及参考答案”的练习更加熟练的面对自考,更多真题及答案请咨询小乐老师电话/微信a18030089296。







Section I Structure and Vocabulary(字数所限,部分省略,具体详询小乐老师,电话/微信:a18030089296)

In each question, decide which of the&n bsp;five&n bsp;choices given would&n bsp;most suitably&n bsp;complete the sentence. Circle the letter before your choice. Only one choice is to be circled&n bsp;(14&n bsp;points)


The guests said that they wouldn’t mind&n bsp;________.

[A] to have a little light music

[B] having a little light music

[C] have a little light music

[D] if they have a little light music

[E] that they have a little light music


1. She has been working in this factory ________.

[A] after 1968

[B] in 1968

[C] since 1968

[D] for 1968

[E] until 1968

2. We cant understand why he avoided ________&n bsp;to us.

[A] to speak

[B] speech

[C] having spoken

[D] speaking

[E] to have spoken

3. I am interested in ________&n bsp;you have told me.

[A] which

[B] all that

[C] all what

[D] that

[E] everything of which

4. It is because she is too inexperienced ________&n bsp;she does not know how to deal with the situation.

[A] so

[B] that

[C] so that

[D] therefore

[E] that is why

5. He was afraid he would have to ________&n bsp;her invitation to the party.

[A] refute

[B] refuse

[C] return

[D] ignore

[E] decline

Section II Error-detection

Each question consists of a sentence with five&n bsp;underlined parts (words or phrases). These parts are labeled [A], [B], [C], [D] and [E]. Choose the part of the sentence that is incorrect&n bsp;and circle the letter of your choice.&n bsp;Only one choice is to be marked.&n bsp;(8 points)


Section III Sentence Making

Combine the given words and phrases into sentences. (4 points)


His sons / he / their grandmother / to see / just before his last birthday / take


Just before his last birthday he took his sons to see their grandmother.

23. last month / in Europe / travel / she / since

24. the decision / as final / frankly / should / not consider

25. to the stranger / talk / there / stand / a while ago / he

26. this kind of / can / get used to / I / never / food / eat

Section IV Verb Forms(字数所限,部分省略,具体详询小乐老师,电话/微信:a18030089296)

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the verb given in parentheses. (14&n bsp;points)


Those,&n bsp;he said, ________ (point)&n bsp;to the books ________ (pile)&n bsp;on the desk, “________ (need)&n bsp;over there now.

ANSWER: pointing; piled; are needed

Thousands of years ________ (pass)&n bsp;since then; but people still ________ (like)&n bsp;________ (tell)&n bsp;the story of Leonidas and the brave three hundred who ________ (dedicate)&n bsp;their lives to their country.

ANSWER: have passed; like; to tell; dedicated

27. The public demanded that the prices ________ (reduce).were defeated/had been defeated)

28. With the guide ________ (lead)&n bsp;the way, we set off on foot into the dark night.were defeated/had been defeated)

29. I need that book badly. If you go to the bookshop this afternoon, please remember ________ (buy)&n bsp;a copy for me.were defeated/had been defeated)

30. ________ (arrive)&n bsp;home at daybreak, he felt dead tired. He ________ (work)&n bsp;all night.were defeated/had been defeated)

Section V Cloze Test

Fill in the blanks with proper words (10 points)

In recent years television has become the most popular form of entertainment. It does not look as if it will be &n bsp;popular in the world of the future. In fact it looks as if television will become more popular than ever. New systems of television have been made possible &n bsp;the discovery of the laser. A laser is a beam of light that has many strange qualities. By using a laser, it is possible to throw every large and very clear television pictures on &n bsp;a screen. These pictures may be as large as three meters . Many people could watch this kind of television together.

Laser beams have also made very thin television sets . These sets can be hung on the wall of a room like a large picture. Another development in the future will be three dimensional television; the picture will look more real&n bsp;&n bsp;it will have depth as well as height and length.

In the near future you will be able to buy your favourite television programmes already &n bsp;on tapes. They will be like the tapes &n bsp;are used in s mall cassette tape recorders today. You will also be able to record television programmes and play them &n bsp;later. The laser beam will make &n bsp;possible.

Section VI Chinese-English Translation

Translate the following into English. (10&n bsp;points)

48. 这门课我们越学越喜欢。

49. 这家工厂只能供应我们所需要的百分之三十。

50. 他们一直谈到入睡。

51. 许多人以为电是燃料,但事实上并非如此。

52. 我国的社会主义现代化是一项我们必(bi)须努力完成的任务。

Section VII English-Chinese Translation(字数所限,部分省略,具体详询小乐老师,电话/微信:a18030089296)

Choose one of&n bsp;the following three passages and translate it into Chinese. (40&n bsp;points)


The United Kingdom is a monarchical (君主政体的) State. It is one of the independent members&n bsp;of the Commonwealth (the Queen is recognized as head of the Commonwealth), and a member of the European Community.

The origins and traditions of the United Kingdom are to be found in each of the four parts that make up the country: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. England was united as a kingdom a thousand years ago, and Wales became part of the kingdom during the middle ages. The thrones (王位) of England and Scotland were united in 1603, and in 1707 legislation passed in the two countries provided for the establishment of a single Parliament of Great Britain with supreme authority both in England and Wales and in Scotland. Ireland had had links with the kingdom of England since the thirteenth century, and in 1800 the creation of the United Kingdom was completed by a union joining the Irish Parliament to that of Great Britain. In 1922 Southern Ireland (now the Irish Republic) became a self-governing country. The six counties of Northern Ireland had in 1920 been given their own subordinate Parliament, and voted to remain within the United Kingdom.

The United Kingdom Parliament at Westminster&n bsp;in London — with an elected chamber comprising members&n bsp;from English, Scottish, Welsh and Northern Ireland constituencies (选举区) — therefore represents people sharing very varied backgrounds and traditions. It has ultimate authority for government and law-making, but administrative arrangements have developed in such a way as to take account of the particular needs of different areas.

England and Wales on the one hand and Scotland on the other have different systems of law, different court systems, different education systems, different systems of local government and, for most domestic matters, different government departments.


Section I:&n bsp;Structure and Vocabulary&n bsp;(14 points)

1. [C]

2. [D]

3. [B]

4. [B]

5. [E]

6. [D]

7. [C]

8. [E]

9. [B]

10. [D]

11. [B]

12. [E]

13. [E]

14. [A]

Section II: Error-detection&n bsp;(8 points)

15. [C]

16. [B]

17. [E]

18. [C]

19. [C]

20. [B]

21. [E]

22. [B]

Section III: Sentence Making (4 points)

23. She has been travelling in Europe since last month.

24. Frankly, the decision should not be considered as final.

25. He stood there talking to the stranger a while ago. / Standing there, he talked to the stranger a while ago.

26. I can never get used to eating this kind of food

Section IV: Verb Forms (14points)

27. be reduced

28. leading

29. to buy

30. Arriving, had been working

31. Exhausted

32. is being repaired

33. has been made, are still considering

34. Having met

35. go, will have used

36. to have been destroyed

37. will be going

Section V: Cloze Test&n bsp;(10 points)

38. less

39. by

40. to

41. by

42. possible

43. because

44. recorded

45. that / which

46. back

47. this

Section VI:&n bsp;Chinese-English Translation (10 points)

48. The more I study the subject, the more I like it.

49. The factory can only supply thirty percent of what we need.

50. They did not st op talking until they fell asleep.

51. Many people think that electricity is a fuel; but, as a matter of fact, it is not.

52. The socialist modernization of our country is an important task that we must strive to fulfill.

Section VIII: English-Chinese Translation (40 points)






