
2021-02-03 15:17:57 乐昇学教育


&n bsp;以下是乐昇学教育为考生们整理的“1983年考研英语一真题及参考答案”,同学们可以通过“1983年考研英语一真题及参考答案”练习更加熟练的面对自考更多真题及答案请咨询小乐老师电话/微信a18030089296。






Section I Structure and Vocabulary

In each question, decide which of the&n bsp;four choices given will most suitably&n bsp;complete the sentence if inserted at the&n bsp;place marked. Circle the letter before your choice. Only one choice is to be circled&n bsp;(10&n bsp;points)


Tom has been unemployed&n bsp;________ he lost his job three weeks ago.

[A] after

[B] since

[C] before

[D] while


1. ________&n bsp;born in Chicago, the author is most famous for his stories about New York City.

[A] Although

[B] Since

[C] As

[D] When

2. Allen and I are in the same history class, but his assignment is different ________&n bsp;mine.

[A] with

[B] from

[C] against

[D] to

3. They have all got up, and ________.

[A] Jack has too

[B] so has Jack

[C] Jack hasn't

[D] also has Jack

4. I am sure that ________&n bsp;you said is wrong.

[A] which

[B] all

[C] this

[D] what

5. ________&n bsp;four years since John left school.

[A] They have been

[B] It is

[C] It was

[D] Those are

Section II Verb Forms

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of verbs given in brackets. (10 points)


Will you call them up and tell them we'll start as soon as the rain&n bsp;________&n bsp;(st op)?

ANSWER: st ops

11. He tried to avoid ________ (answer)&n bsp;my questions.were defeated/had been defeated)

12. ________ (complete)&n bsp;one task, we started on another one.were defeated/had been defeated)

13. I wish you ________ (not hurt)&n bsp;Jim so much.&n bsp;He is still very depressed.were defeated/had been defeated)

14. In recent years a number of communications&n bsp;satellites ________ (put)&n bsp;into orbit about the earth.were defeated/had been defeated)

15. She sat at the window ________ (read)&n bsp;a novel.were defeated/had been defeated)

Section III Error-detection(字数所限,此处省略,具体详询小乐老师,电话/微信:a18030089296)

Each question consists of a sentence with four underlined parts (words or phrases). These parts are labeled [A], [B], [C], and [D]. Choose the part of the sentence that is incorrect, and circle the letter of your choice.&n bsp;If you find no mistakes in a sentence, circle the letter E for "No Error". Only one choice is to be circled.&n bsp;(10 points)

Section IV Cloze Test

For each numbered blank in the following passage there are four choices labeled&n bsp;A, B, C, and D. Choose the correct one and circle the letter before your choice. Only one choice is to be circled. (10 points)


Bill came to work at the University thirty years ________&n bsp;today.

[A] since

[B] before

[C] from

[D] ago


Section V Reading Comprehension

Each sentence below is followed by four statements. One of the statements is a suggestion which can be made from the information given in the original sentence. Read the sentences carefully and circle your choice. Only one choice is to be circled. (10 points)


What is most obvious in this book are all those details of daily living which make Mrs. Richards anything but common.

[A] Mrs. Richards is very obvious.

[B] Mrs. Richards is an unusual person.

[C] Mrs. Richards is anything she wants to be.

[D] Mrs. Richards is quite ordinary.


41. Dr. Smith made a long speech in which he implied that he was a friend of the Dean's.

[A] Dr. Smith was not a friend of the Dean's.

[B] Dr. Smith gave a talk in which he said he was a friend of the Dean's.

[C] Dr. Smith suggested in his speech that he was a friend of the Dean's.

[D] Dr. Smith made a moving speech in which he said that he was a friend of the Dean's.

42. Reading between the lines, I should say the scientists are disappointed at the outcome of the research project, though they will not openly admit it.

[A] The scientists admit that their research project is a failure.

[B] The scientists are not satisfied with the outcome of the research project.

[C] The scientists deny that the outcome of the research project is a failure.

[D] The outcome of the research project is not a failure.

Section VI Structure and Vocabulary

Fill in the blanks with the words which best complete the meaning of the sentences.&n bsp;(10 points)


If the teams were not so evenly matched, it would be easier to&n bsp;________ the outcome.

[A]&n bsp;precede

[B]&n bsp;expect

[C]&n bsp;foretell

[D] count


46. The twins are so much ________&n bsp;that it is difficult to tell one from the other.

[A] similar

[B] equal

[C]&n bsp;likeC

[D] alike

47. The photo ________&n bsp;happy memories of my early childhood.

[A] refreshed

[B] brings to mind

[C]&n bsp;stimulatesC

[D] reminds myself

Section VII Chinese-English Translation

Translate the following sentences into English. (15 points)

56. 我们不同意他刚才说的话。

57. 在老师再解释一遍后,同学们才听懂这句子的意思。

58. 我们很高兴他如期完成任务。

59. 我们对他解决问题的方法很感兴趣。

60. 我们虽然引进新技术和设备,但是我们将主要依靠自己来实现四个现代化。

Section VIII English-Chinese Translation

Choose either of&n bsp;the following two passages and translate it into Chinese. (25&n bsp;points)


Let us suppose that you are in the position of a parent. Would you allow your children to read any book they wanted to without first checking its contents? Would you take your children to see any film without first finding out whether it is suitable for them? If your answer to these questions is ‘yes’, then you are just plain irresponsible. If your answer is ‘no’, then you are exercising&n bsp;your right as a parent to protect your children from what you consider to be undesirable&n bsp;influences. In other words, by acting as an examiner yourself, you are admitting that there is a strong case for censorship.

Now, of course, you will say that it is one thing to exercise censorship where children are concerned and quite another to do the same for adults. Children need protection and it is the parents’&n bsp;responsibility&n bsp;to provide it. But what about adults? Aren’t they old enough to decide what is good for them? The answer is that many adults are, but don’t make the mistake of thinking that all adults are like yourself. Censorship&n bsp;is for the good of society as a whole. Like the law, it contributes to the common good.

Some people think that it is a shame that a censor should interfere with works of art. But we must bear in mind that the great proportion of books, plays and films which come before the censor are very far from being ‘works of art’.

When censorship&n bsp;laws are relaxed, dishonest people are given a chance to produce virtually anything in the name of ‘art’. One of the great things that censorship&n bsp;does is to prevent certain people from making fat profits by corrupting the minds of others. To argue in favour of absolute&n bsp;freedom is to argue in favour of anarchy. Society would really be the better if it were protected by correct censorship.


Section I: Structure and Vocabulary (10 points)

1.[A]2.[B]3.[B]4.[D]5.[B]&n bsp; &n bsp; 6.[D]7.[B]8.[C]9.[C]10.[D]

Section II: Verb Forms (10 points)

11. answering12.Having completed&n bsp; 13.had not hurt14.have been put&n bsp; &n bsp;15.reading16.would have been understood&n bsp; 17.renovating18.changed&n bsp; &n bsp; 19.to cut20.crying

Section III: Error-detection (10 points)

21.[A] 22.[C]&n bsp; &n bsp;23.[C] 24.[A]&n bsp; &n bsp;25.[B] 26.[E]&n bsp; &n bsp;27.[B] 28.[A]&n bsp; &n bsp; 29.[E] 30.[D]&n bsp;

Section IV: Cloze Test (10 points)

31.[B]32.[D]33.[A]34.[C]35.[C]&n bsp; &n bsp; 36.[A]37.[D]38.[B]39.[C]40.[D]

Section V: Reading Comprehension (10 points)


Section VI: Structure and Vocabulary (10 points)

46.[D]47.[B]48.[B]49.[A]50.[A]&n bsp; &n bsp; 51.[D]52.[C]53.[B]54.[C]55.[B]

Section VII: Chinese-English Translation (15 points)

56.We do not agree with what he has just said.

57.The students did not understand the meaning of the sentence until the teacher had explained it a second time.

58.We are very glad that he has fulfilled the task in time.

59.We are interested in the way he solved the problems.

60.Although we import some new techniques and equipment, we will rely mainly on ourselves to realize the four modernizations.

Section VIII: English-Chinese Translation (25 points)











