2018年04 月自考英语二真题及答案(课程代码:00015)——自考00015《英语(二)》历年真题及答案系列
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2018年04 月自考英语二真题及答案(课程代码:00015)——自考00015《英语(二)》历年真题及答案系列.pdf.zip
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以下是缩略版的“2018年04 月自考英语二真题及答案”样本:
Life on the Farm
Life on a farm is always changing. New technologies and a rising interest in healthier&n bsp;and organic eating have had a huge impact on how farms do business. At the same time, a&n bsp;growing population has put more demands on farmers. They need to find ways to increase&n bsp;their production levels. The s mall family farms that used to produce most of the products have&n bsp;been largely replaced by factory farms. Small family farms that are still operating are&n bsp;struggling to keep up.
Christmas Gift
Mary didn't know what to send to her grandparents for Christmas. It was always hard to&n bsp;choose a good Christmas present for them. They didn't need much, and it was hard for her to&n bsp;be creative every year.
Team Work in Sports
① &n bsp;Teams that win in team sports are often those that work well together. Learning to cooperate with others towards a common goal in sports is what builds character, friendship&n bsp;and important life skills for players.
Homeschooling vs School
Many kids find it hard to concentrate in school. Class mates, bells, and even cheerful&n bsp;decorations in school can make it hard for some children to concentrate. &n bsp;&n bsp;26&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;
In some schools, conditions are bad for children's safety and health. &n bsp;&n bsp;27&n bsp;&n bsp;Homeschooling parents can control their children's environment to make sure it is safe and&n bsp;healthy.
Planting Potatoes
When I was a boy we had several gardens around our old house. The largest one of all&n bsp;was used just for growing potatoes.
I can still remember those potato planting days. All the family &n bsp;&n bsp;31 &n bsp;&n bsp;helped. After my&n bsp;Dad had &n bsp;&n bsp;32 &n bsp;&n bsp;the soil, my Mom, brothers, and I went to work. It was my &n bsp;&n bsp;33 &n bsp;&n bsp;to drop&n bsp;the little seed potatoes in the &n bsp;&n bsp;34 &n bsp;&n bsp;while my Mom dropped handfuls of fertilizer beside&n bsp;them. My &n bsp;rothers then covered them all with the &n bsp;&n bsp;35 &n bsp;&n bsp;turned earth.
Workplace English Learning
English plays (play) an important role in the workplace. When &n bsp;&n bsp;41 &n bsp;&n bsp;(use) correctly&n bsp;and appropriately, it will be &n bsp;&n bsp;42 &n bsp;&n bsp;(help) in developing a career ova business. Some may&n bsp;need or want to study business English before they start their &n bsp;&n bsp;43 &n bsp;&n bsp;(career). Those who&n bsp;are already &n bsp;&n bsp;44 &n bsp;&n bsp;(work) have the opportunity to see what they can and cannot do &n bsp;&n bsp;45&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;(effective) with English in their current job.
&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;假设你将举办一次周(zhou)末小聚会,准备邀请你的英国朋友Tom参加。 请给他写一封英文电子邮件,内容包括: &n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;●活动主题:为lucy举办生日晚会 &n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;●&n bsp;时间、地点 &n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;●询问Tom能否参加 &n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;请以Li Ke署名。 |