
2021-02-02 00:05:03 乐昇学教育



&n bsp;

招生专业&n bsp;&n bsp;翻译 &n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;

科目名称&n bsp;&n bsp;翻译硕士英语&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;科目代码&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;211&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;

&n bsp;

Part I &n bsp;Vocabulary and structure (30%)

Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each blank there are four&n bsp;choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best complete the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet&n bsp;with a single line through the center.

&n bsp;

1.&n bsp;Propaganda&n bsp;is&n bsp;generally&n bsp;considered&n bsp;to&n bsp;be&n bsp;a&n bsp;form&n bsp;of&n bsp;______.&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;

A.&n bsp;education&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp;B.&n bsp;upbringing&n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp;C.&n bsp;indoctrination&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp;D.&n bsp;instruction

&n bsp;

2.&n bsp;In some circles, the traditional ____ attitude toward women is coming back. They believe that women’s proper domain is in the kitchen.

A.&n bsp;s exual &n bsp;&n bsp;B. s exy &n bsp;&n bsp;C. s exist &n bsp;&n bsp;D. s ex

&n bsp;

3.&n bsp;Liu Xiang was awarded a gold medal in the world championships. He ____ a lot of hard training.

A. should have experienced &n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;B. must have experienced &n bsp;&n bsp;C. should experience &n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;D. must experience

&n bsp;

4. &n bsp;Yesterday in our oral class, we were talking about economics. Somehow we got ____ the subject of inflation.

A. about &n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;B. up &n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;C. onto &n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;D. in

&n bsp;

&n bsp; &n bsp; &n bsp; &n bsp; 5. &n bsp;He spent the whole day yesterday trying to get rid of the ____ in his garden.

A. grass &n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;B. hay &n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;C. weeds &n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp;D. wild herbs

&n bsp;

&n bsp; &n bsp; &n bsp; &n bsp; 6. &n bsp;As&n bsp;we&n bsp;all&n bsp;know,&n bsp;blue&n bsp;skies&n bsp;are&n bsp;not&n bsp;always&n bsp;a&n bsp;_________&n bsp;of&n bsp;fine&n bsp;weather.&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;

A.&n bsp;conversion&n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp;B.&n bsp;preservation&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp;C.&n bsp;guarantee&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp;D.&n bsp;safety

7. &n bsp;Doctors are often caught in a ________ because they have to decide whether they should tell their patients the truth or not.&n bsp; &n bsp;

A. dilemma &n bsp;&n bsp;B. puzzle &n bsp;&n bsp;C. perplexity &n bsp;&n bsp;D. bewilderment

&n bsp;

&n bsp; &n bsp; &n bsp; &n bsp; 8. &n bsp;Many&n bsp;people&n bsp;have&n bsp;the&n bsp;_________&n bsp;that&n bsp;wealth&n bsp;is&n bsp;the&n bsp;chief&n bsp;cause&n bsp;of&n bsp;happiness.&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;

A.&n bsp;delusion&n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp;B.&n bsp;illusion&n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp;C.&n bsp;fantasy&n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;D.&n bsp;image

&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp;

&n bsp; &n bsp; 9. &n bsp;If&n bsp;we&n bsp;believe&n bsp;something&n bsp;is&n bsp;good&n bsp;and&n bsp;true&n bsp;we&n bsp;should&n bsp;_____&n bsp;to&n bsp;it.&n bsp;

A.&n bsp;hold&n bsp;up&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;B.&n bsp;keep&n bsp;on&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;C.&n bsp;hold&n bsp;on&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;D.&n bsp;keep&n bsp;up

&n bsp;

&n bsp; &n bsp; &n bsp; &n bsp;10. &n bsp;Authorities&n bsp;are&n bsp;mounting&n bsp;a&n bsp;campaign&n bsp;to&n bsp;combat&n bsp;an&n bsp;alarming&n bsp;rise&n bsp;in&n bsp;juvenile&n bsp;_____&n bsp;and&n bsp;

drug&n bsp;taking.&n bsp;

A.&n bsp;delinquency&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;B.&n bsp;mistake&n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;C.&n bsp;evil&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;D.&n bsp;crime

&n bsp;

&n bsp; &n bsp; 11. &n bsp;The&n bsp;Committee&n bsp;had&n bsp;met&n bsp;many&n bsp;times,&n bsp;but&n bsp;had&n bsp;not&n bsp;come&n bsp;up&n bsp;with&n bsp;_____&n bsp;to&n bsp;the&n bsp;problem.&n bsp;

A.&n bsp;a&n bsp;way&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp;B.&n bsp;an&n bsp;idea&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;C.&n bsp;a&n bsp;solution&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;D.&n bsp;a&n bsp;method

&n bsp;

12. &n bsp;The local peasants gave the soldiers clothes and food without which they _____ of hunger and cold.

A. would die &n bsp;&n bsp;B. will die &n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;C. would be dead &n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;D. would have died

&n bsp;

&n bsp; &n bsp; 13. &n bsp;I’m&n bsp;sure&n bsp;your&n bsp;suggestion&n bsp;will&n bsp;_____&n bsp;the&n bsp;problem.&n bsp;

A.&n bsp;contribute&n bsp;to&n bsp;solving&n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp;B.&n bsp;be&n bsp;contributed&n bsp;to&n bsp;solve&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp; C.&n bsp;contribute&n bsp;to&n bsp;solve&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;

D.&n bsp;be&n bsp;contributed&n bsp;to&n bsp;solving

&n bsp;

&n bsp; &n bsp;14. &n bsp;You and I could hardly understand, ______? &n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;

A. could I &n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;B. couldn’t you &n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;C. couldn’t we &n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;D. could we

&n bsp;

&n bsp; &n bsp;15. &n bsp;Arriving at the bus st op, ______ waiting there. &n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;

A. a lot of people were &n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;B. he found a lot of people

C. a lot of people &n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;D. people were found

&n bsp;

&n bsp; &n bsp;16. &n bsp;John&n bsp;is&n bsp;_______&n bsp;hardworking&n bsp;than&n bsp;his&n bsp;sister,&n bsp;but&n bsp;he&n bsp;failed&n bsp;in&n bsp;the&n bsp;exam.&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;

&n bsp;A.&n bsp;no&n bsp;less&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;B.&n bsp;no&n bsp;more&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;C.&n bsp;not&n bsp;less&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;D.&n bsp;no&n bsp;so

&n bsp;

&n bsp; &n bsp; 17. &n bsp;Tom,&n bsp;my&n bsp;friend’s&n bsp;father,&n bsp;______&n bsp;raised&n bsp;and&n bsp;educated&n bsp;in&n bsp;New&n bsp;York,&n bsp;lived&n bsp;and&n bsp;

lectured&n bsp;in&n bsp;Africa&n bsp;most&n bsp;of&n bsp;his&n bsp;life.&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;

&n bsp;A.&n bsp;who&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;B.&n bsp;if&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;C.&n bsp;while&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;D. though

&n bsp;

18. &n bsp;As a first-year college student, I wish I________that time mana gement was my number one problem before I came to college. &n bsp;

A. realized &n bsp;&n bsp;B. realize &n bsp;&n bsp;C. had realized &n bsp;&n bsp;D. have realized

&n bsp; &n bsp; &n bsp; &n bsp; 19. &n bsp;I&n bsp;do&n bsp;not&n bsp;believe&n bsp;that&n bsp;this&n bsp;preposterous&n bsp;scheme&n bsp;is&n bsp;_________&n bsp;of&n bsp;our&n bsp;serious&n bsp;consideration.&n bsp;

A.&n bsp;worthless&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp; B.&n bsp;worth&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp;C.&n bsp;worthwhile&n bsp;&n bsp; &n bsp;D.&n bsp;worthy&n bsp;

&n bsp;

20. &n bsp;If the whole operation _____beforehand, a great deal of time and money would have been lost.

A. was not planned &n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;B. had not been planned &n bsp;&n bsp;C. were not planned &n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;

D. has not been planned

&n bsp;

&n bsp; &n bsp; &n bsp;21. &n bsp;It was because the applicant was too self-confident ______he failed in the interview.

A. that &n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;B. therefore &n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;C. so &n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;D. to

&n bsp;

&n bsp; &n bsp; &n bsp;22. &n bsp;________ I wanted to find out first was how long it would take to complete the bridge.

A. That &n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;B. Those &n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;C. What &n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;D. Which

&n bsp;

&n bsp; &n bsp; &n bsp; &n bsp; &n bsp; 23. &n bsp;___ another chance, I will certainly pass the driving test.

A. Give &n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;B. Giving &n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;C. To give &n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;D. Given

&n bsp;

&n bsp; &n bsp; &n bsp;24. &n bsp;I’m tired _________being bossed around. He regards me as his personal servant. &n bsp;

&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;A. of &n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;B. with &n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;C. by &n bsp;&n bsp;D. in

&n bsp;

&n bsp; &n bsp; &n bsp;25. &n bsp;Neither his parents nor his teacher _____that the boy can do it well.

A. believes &n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;B. believe &n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;C. &n bsp;is believing &n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;D. are believing

&n bsp;

26. &n bsp;I had had so many big meals by that time that the mere sight of fish and meat turned me ______.

A. down &n bsp;&n bsp;B. off &n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;C. out &n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;D. in

&n bsp;

&n bsp; &n bsp; &n bsp; &n bsp; &n bsp;27. &n bsp;The boys and girls sat down and began eating the delicious food________

A. enthusiastically &n bsp;&n bsp;B. whole-heartedly &n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;C. healthily &n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;D. heartily

&n bsp;

28. &n bsp;In the sentence “In the center of the square stood a monument,” the italicized phrase is ______.

A. the subject &n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;B. the object &n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;C. a complement &n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;D. an adverbial

&n bsp;

29. &n bsp;The figure of speech in the sentence “Darrow had whispered, throwing a reassuring arm round my shoulder” is ______

A. metaphor &n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;B. hyperbole &n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;C. transferred epithet &n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;D. metonymy

&n bsp;

&n bsp; &n bsp; 30. &n bsp;It had never occurred _____him that a famous secret agent would be such a fat old man.

&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;A. to &n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;B. for &n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;C. with &n bsp;&n bsp;&n bsp;D. by

Part II &n bsp;Reading Comprehension 40%


Part III&n bsp;Writing (30%)

Directions: For this part,&n bsp;you are allowed 60 minutes to write an essay commenting on the saying&n bsp;“Money is the root of all evils.” You can cite examples to illustrate your points of view. You should write about&n bsp;400 words.




